48 Walkley Road,
West Hartford, CT
phone: 860.232.9858
fax: 860.232.9438
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Our workbook "Creating Strategic Innovation," along with our teambuilding classes are designed to help educate management teams on how to implement strategic change without costing the company excess money. It also provides a means to bridge together independent/functional departments in order to improve customer satisfaction and operational performance. We have found that as companies grow, the left hand doesn't necessarily know what the right hand is doing. We also find employee turnover is a function a company's ability to provide opportunity and job worth to everyone. We use teams to educate and develop the next generation of management. Obviously, if Customer Satisfaction, Operational Performance and Employee Development are improving, financial performance goals are usually met. Some of the topics of the Workbook include:
"Train-the-Trainer" programs involve the development of client internal trainers with our methodology by teaching with "Creating Strategic Innovation." Our approach is to help teach companies how to train the team members, rather than being dependent on us to continue the on-going training. We view it as "Teaching people to fish, not give them the fish!"