48 Walkley Road,
West Hartford, CT
phone: 860.232.9858
fax: 860.232.9438
Contact Us
As professionals, we advise Business Owners and Management to help solve our client's challenges, reducing conflict and problems. We know our clients hire us to get results. They expect us to retain confidentiality of their proprietary information.
As consultants, our client is the business, our focus is to share information that will improve it. We are hired to improve performance by facilitating change. We believe engaged management teams have the answers, we help enable their solutions to improve results.
As humans, we are sensitive and respectful of others feelings and personal differences. We are ever mindful to the harm "change" creates on people and their families.
Our focus on improved, measurable results, while balancing organizational and family needs should result in less conflict, clearer purpose and direction, and higher levels of trust, communication, and organizational "buy-in."
Our solutions will be fairly priced, clearly and ethically developed, and presented with milestones and deadlines.
Our focus will balance short term and long term needs. We will continually seek simpler and more effective processes & assessments that achieve our clients goals/needs in areas of sales, margins, profits, continuous improvement, management development, and organizational culture.
When dealing with family members, we will encourage communication and trust, using facilitation tools to improve harmony and satisfaction, even in the midst of diverse opinions, experiences, and skills. As we commonly say, “We want family gatherings to continue!” We will also respect the confidentiality of proprietary information.
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