What We Do : Family Offices

48 Walkley Road,
West Hartford, CT

phone: 860.232.9858
fax: 860.232.9438

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Family Offices are a unique entity in a family business system. First of all, there is a huge amount of wealth connected to it. Secondly, the family office staff must deal with the family issues as well as the investments. We work with "progressive" families, those owners who desire to improve value through improved management performance and problem-solving abilities, thus reducing conflicts, and responding faster to problems.  Our approach is to develop future leaders and managers using team building processes and action planning activities.  Our goal is to improve a family’s ability to respond to issues and correct problems faster and more effectively.

We believe the best ideas and lasting change are developed by the people who work in the system. That means both the family member and their spouses are involved in our work. We want everyone to agree with a direction or action. At times we’ll be the “Uncle George” who tells it like it is. At other times, we become the caring sibling who encourages change and reaching for new challenges. We also coach family members to improve their skills and abilities.

Here's how we work:   We assess the organization on either 119 or 270 issues, using our assessment approach.  With that assessment comes a series of recommendations for the family to decide on.  Every family is different, therefore we customize our approach towards each family's needs.  We then recommend a two to three day retreat, to identify the top problems, and to develop action plans to solve them. This allows managers and family to develop skills and competencies to become the future leaders of the company. If the family has conflicts or issues, we will address them separately from the company's issues using governance initiatives.  Our approach usually requires effort with team building, succession planning, change management, and improving problem-solving abilities. In some cases, all we do is help improve communication and family harmony.

We provide advisory services to family offices on succession, growth strategy, mentoring the next generation, dealing with crisis or sudden death issues, and owners who desire to develop their next generation for improved shareholder values.  Our ability to serve multiple industries allows us to provide "out of the box" ideas to foster effective change and faster response to issues.

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